Just recently one of the Sitecore implementation partners asked me whether there is a way to have the list of available items on a Multilist field sorted by updated date.
To clarify, by default, the left side is sorted by item name, it is by design.
So I did some digging, and have found that it is a very frequent feature request. Another thing I’ve found is that since Sitecore 6 it is actually pretty easy to change this behavior.
First thing I need for that is subclass MultilistEx class which implements is UI part of the Multilist field. This class has a method called GetSelectedItems (introduced since Sitecore 6 release) where the list of unselected items is constructed. Since this method is marked as protected virtual, I can easily override it:
namespace Sitecore.SharedSource.CustomFields
{public class SortedMultilist : Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor.MultilistEx{protected override void GetSelectedItems(Item[] sources, out ArrayList selected, out IDictionary unselected){Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sources, "sources");
ListString str = new ListString(this.Value);unselected = new SortedList(StringComparer.Ordinal);
selected = new ArrayList(str.Count);
int index = 0;
while (index < str.Count)
{selected.Add(str[index]);index++;}foreach (Item item in sources){string str2 = item.ID.ToString();
index = str.IndexOf(str2);if (index >= 0)
{selected[index] = item;}else
{unselected.Add(GetItemKey(item), item);}}}protected virtual string GetItemKey(Item item){return MainUtil.GetSortKey(item[FieldIDs.Created]);
The only thing I change, actually, is the line where items are added to the “unselected” list. Since the key is used for sorting, I move this outside to a separate method “GetItemKey” where instead of constructing sort key by item.Name as in default implementation, I simply read the “created” date.
After this class is compiled, all I need to define the new “Sorted Multilist” field under core:/sitecore/system/Field types/List Types:
The easiest way to do it is to duplicate the existing Multilist item ;-)
I should mention that adding complex sorting rules will definitely slow down you multilist, so you have to be very careful.
Also, there is a very handy FilteredMultilist that is already on shared source. It gives you ability to refine the left side of Multilist, so you may never need it sorted at all.
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