Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Changing a workflow state from API

Changing a workflow state from API Version: Sitecore Include these using directives: using Sitecore; using Sitecore.Data; using Sitecore.Data.Items; using Sitecore.Workflows; using Sitecore.Configuration; using Sitecore.SecurityModel; Here is the code snippet with appropriate comments: // getting the master database Database master = Factory.GetDatabase("master"); // getting a sample item Item itm = master.Items["/sitecore/content/home/news"]; // getting the item's workflow reference IWorkflow wf = master.WorkflowProvider.GetWorkflow(itm); // here we need either to login as a user with appropriate permissions // to have access to workflow states/commands or disable security using(new SecurityDisabler()) { // executing the workflow command by calling the Execute method. // it receives the ID of the command being invoked, // the item that is in the workflow. // Note that the command ID that we passed as the first parameter, // should be a valid ID of any workflow command under the current workflow state // that the item belongs to. WorkflowResult result = wf.Execute("{0FB92663-F44B-4E24-9CF2-B6D6CE786505}", itm, "my comments", false); // Retrieving the result of the workflow command execution Response.Write("Succeeded: " + result.Succeeded + " Message: " + result.Message); } After the code above is succeeded, all actions that are tied to the new workflow state will be executed.