Thursday, April 09, 2009

How to troubleshoot SQL connection issues

Had a problem with remote web app not connection to newly installed SQL Server. Was getting generic “A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server…”

Found this great article with the breakdown of possible scenarios, very useful. Mine was #6, SQLBrowser not running. Was clicking too fast through the installation ;-)

Monday, April 06, 2009

Find of the day - Mozilla specific client caching

Looks like Mozilla stores documents locally even if "no-cache" header is passed in the HTTP response.
Official explanation here.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Silverlight Client Caching

Since SL creates a XAP file for further consumption, browsers will be caching it as a usual asset. While being awesome for production, it introduces a pain in the development process as you need to clear the temporary files in your browser to see the change.

In order to get rid of this inconvenience, just turn off the caching on the IIS level. If you are on IIS7, extend "Output Caching" options by introducing a rule for ".xap" files and specify "cache using file change notifications ":


In order to confirm it worked, fire up Fiddler and verify you get "no-cache" for the request to XAP file.

Cookie sharing between processes in Internet Explorer

If you installed IE8 and tried running two separate Sitecore sessions in different processes, you may have experienced this as well.
IE8 shares the cookies between two different processes (windows) now so this may bring you inconvenience especially during the development process.

There are solutions out there which address the problem with special "-nomerge" parameter, but I decided to apply the registry fix directly so all my IE launches will not use this new "FrameMerging" feature that supposedly improves performance.

Related reading:

Registry fix from the article above:
HKCU\software\microsoft\internet explorer\main - FrameMerging = DWORD:0

Update 2/29/2012:

The registry key that disables this mess once and forever is actually called “SessionMerging” which can be found under:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
SessionMerging = DWORD:0

Works for IE9 too!